So I had a craft fair on Saturday.. "3rd annual Hope for Homeless" bands playing all day long in the parking lot of a coffee shop. Sounds good right? No. There was not much traffic at all! Atleast I shared my booth with a friend who does Scentsy Candles so it was fun to hang out with her and cheaper for my booth fee. I did make my booth fee back plus some but not enough to be worth it for a long hot day outside.
Anyways I have another craft fair on the 27th. I am breaking my rule for that one though.. my rule is never to do first time events unless i'm confident in their advertising. This one is a first time event and I don't know how well they are advertising. I am going to spend alittle time and do as much advertising for it as I can.
So if your in the area my next one is June 27th (sunday) In Orangevale California.
Orangevale's Art & Craft Fundraiser- raising money for breast cancer
7300 Redwing CT, Orangevale CA 95662
Art / Crafts / Music / Food / Raffle
So what did sell on Saturday.. My altoid tins are hands down my #1 seller. I sell them for $3 each or 4 for $10. My skittle sticks sold ok.. I sold about 1/2 of them. Sold some cards and some notepads and post it note booklets. Only sold 1 purse!! :( Which now that I think about it I don't think I posted pictures of the purses on here, only on facebook (if your not currently a fan become one today because I do giveaways on there!!)
I appologize for the pictures.. they aren't the best. You can see that at 10 am in the morning it was already a bright and sunny day!